Shawn F. Murphy

Spangler: a Fractal Sequence Display Algorithm

What is Spangler?

Spangler is a graphics algorithm that displays number sequences (for example 2,6,5,4,3) in a fashion that can be described in english as "Draw 3 groups of 4 groups of 5 groups of figures with 6 vertices where the lines travel a distance of 2 vertices."

Is there software?

The Spangler Applet
A simple Java applet that lets you navigate around the Spangler Set (ha ha) using just arrow keys.
Form Interface
The same Java applet but with an HTML form interface.
The Javascript Version
Static (for the moment!)

Is there an archive of nifty spangles?

Here is a Spangle archive. Please submit your own really amazing favorites
         1 3 5 2 (9)

Spangler Examples

descriptionspangle specimage
Triangle 1 3
Square 1 4
Pentacle 2 5
Star of David 2 6
1 3 3
1 3 3 3
1 3 3 3 3
a rather pretty one 1 3 5 2 9